
Election integrity continues to be an important issue to citizens across the country, regardless of their political affiliation. Rasmussen's poll indicates that 47 percent of voters believe fraud swayed the election (and 75 percent of Republicans). Some dismiss Rasmussen as leaning to the right. But even standard left-leaning pollsters such as Quinnipiac and Reuters consistently claim that half of Republicans believe there was massive fraud.


Illegal immigration is the migration of people into a country in violation of the immigration laws of that country or the continued residence without the legal right to live in that country. 4.9 Million Illegal Aliens Have Crossed our Borders Since President Biden Took Office

Climate Change

Global Warming: The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration may have a boring name, but it has a very important job: It measures U.S. temperatures. Unfortunately, it seems to be a captive of the global warming religion. Its data are fraudulent.


"We the people." Those words changed everything. Power rested in the people, not the government. Freedom to think, to speak, to act, to criticize your government, all protected. We became the model for the world. Our Constitution doesn't begin with the phrase, "We the Democrats" or "We the Republicans." And it certainly doesn't begin with the phrase, "We the Government."

K-12 Education

Teaching Critical race theory (CRT) makes race the prism through which its proponents analyze all aspects of American life, categorizing individuals into groups of oppressors and victims. It is a philosophy that is infecting everything from politics to K-12 Public Education.

Second Amendment

A Clear Violation of the Constitution. Aside from the Second Amendment, red flag laws violate three important constitutional rights, the Fourth, Fifth, and Fourteenth Amendments.